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C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding

C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP

C# Basics: Learn to Code the Right Way

Advanced ASP.NET Core 3 Razor Pages
A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI (v2.2) and Angular (v8) from start to finish | By Neil Cummings

The Complete ASP.Net Core MVC With Entity Framework Core
A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI (v2.2) and Angular (v8) from start to finish | By Neil Cummings

Live Project On ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC(Formerly ASP.Net MVC 5)
A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI (v2.2) and Angular (v8) from start to finish | By Neil Cummings

C#, ASP NET Core 3, Angular & EF Crash Course
A practical example of how to build an application with ASP.NET Core WebAPI (v2.2) and Angular (v8) from start to finish | By Neil Cummings

Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch
Learn How To Build Cross Platform Web Apps in ASP.NET Core Utilizing MVC, C#, Web Api, Angular & Entity Framework Core | By Devwebtuts 24/7

Learn C# By Building Applications (Basic to Advance)
Build a full-stack web app with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and Angular 2 (Angular 4+) | By Mosh Hamedani